Our hormones have a huge impact on our BRAIN and ADHD symptoms
For years, I didn’t know there was a connection between sex-hormones and ADHD symptoms.
Buckle up, and stay with me for this one.
I’m trained as a midwife and a health coach with a special interest in ADHD, and it wasn’t until I was years into my training that I learned that the shifting hormones of the menstrual cycle impact ADHD symptoms. While this is information many people have a lived experience of, it is new to the medical community. One thing almost no one (my goal is to change this!) is told when they are handed an ADHD diagnosis, is that if you are a person who currently has or ever had a menstrual cycle, your symptoms shift throughout the month. And there is a pattern to those shifts.
Did your brain just explode? Mine wanted to when I first learned this. Some people that I have worked with have told me that they almost feel like they become a different person for the week before their period.
I need you to know that if this is you, then you are not alone. It can feel awful.
If you aren’t familiar with what I’m talking about, think PMS on steroids.
I have a drive to teach anyone who is both menstruating and who has ADHD, how to unlock their menstrual cycle. I know that being able to gauge where you are at in your cycle, in real time, is a key to: radical self compassion, setting up proper support, exploring targeted treatments, and improving relationships with others and with yourself.
New research suggests that there is a significant increase in prevalence of hormone-related mood disorders among women [and all people who menstruate] with ADHD. Understanding your cycle allows you to learn that predictable pattern.
Learning Options:
Option 1:
Group Menstrual Cycle & ADHD Education:
Option 2:
Try Individual Menstrual Cycle & ADHD Education.
This individual-session option is for the person who has a clear goal: to understand the menstrual cycle, how to track it, and how to use that information to change their life.
I teach you individually, in the way you learn best, how to better understand your body.
This will look like a fun science class where you walk away with the skills of knowing how to: tell where you are at in your menstrual cycle in real time, what that means for your mood/energy, and lots of strategies for things you can do to feel better along the way.
These individual sessions are offered on a limited basis during 2022.
Details: 60-minute session. $175
Not sure which option is best for you?
Schedule a free consult now.